Friday, June 10, 2005


We did a hip hop class in jazz today, and it was really fun, albeit extremely, depressingly hot and sweaty. (Right now, at nearly midnight, it's 24 degrees! It was at least 30 all day, and our school is an oldschool church with no air conditioning and big stained glass windows, with tiny sections that open (and several of which don't even open at all). It gets miiiiighty hot in there...

Shakespeare was the worst, though. It's in 210, which is the studio on the top floor (technically 2nd floor, 3rd if you count the basement floor as 1). 210 is by far the hottest room in the building, because it's the highest and has the least windows that open. Also, it's above the level of the building next to us and the windows face the west, so we get lots of sun pouring through that stained glass on us the whole four hours of class. Even with two fans going full blast, plus the two ceiling fans, it's still stifling. I almost break out into a sweat just thinking about it...

Tommorrow's my massage, and I'm so excited that I don't know what to do with myself. My shoulder definitely needs some attention, as it hasn't stopped hurting. I have no idea what I did to it, but I hope the massage therapist can fix it tommorrow!


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