Wednesday, June 01, 2005


In jazz on Tuesday we did that combination again that I mentioned Friday I was doing awkwardly. I've figured it out so that I'm not awkward at it anymore, but I really don't like it, and it's rather easy. It's the same combination that my teacher's other class, which is two levels less advanced than my class, is doing and it's just too simple. I really don't feel challenged enough in this class, and it's making me frustrated!

Then in Movement we did some discussion and work on dialect and diction. It's amazing how making a small change in the placement of your tongue can completely change a sound. Then we learned the third of the four humours- Phlegmatic/Water. It's really interesting, but it didn't quite hit the big note that Choleric did for me last week.

Then MTP... vocally I felt ready to perform my song, 'I Want To Be Bad', but I didn't feel ready in terms of the acting of my song. Luckily Jeffrey didn't call on me, although I probably would've done fairly well if I had had to go.

Then I came home and did my theory homework for today, which was a tad confusing at first but once I got a hang of it it was pretty straightforward. I also practised naming musical intervals after hearing them played. It's something we need to learn in Theory, and I kept getting them completely off (like thinking it's a minor 7th when it's a major 3rd- which is like the difference between Do and So, to try and put it in uncomplicated musical terms). But after practicing last night, I got 7 out of 10 right, in Theory this morning rather than 1 or 2 as I usually do.

After Theory I had Women's Chorus, and we sang 'We Rise Again' a few times, which we've been working on for a couple weeks now, and sang 'Fernando' from Abba Forever, which we just got last week. Then in Choral we sang 'When You Wish Upon a Star' twice through, which we started last week, and then worked on 'Libia me', that song from La Traviata that we've been working on for a while now. We're still fairly terrible at it, but Bob persists in working it with us despite our suckitude.

I did the first pass of my monologue in Scene Study, which went really, really well. After I went through it once, Rosanna talked through some of the important subtext points with me, then had Ken be my scene partner and had us improvise the scene so that I was using my own words instead of speaking the monologue. I started to cry partway through but it was simply from the emotion of the scene. It was the first time I've cried at Randolph without it being some sort of breakdown or unexpected reaction to something fairly innocuous. As soon as I finished, I came right out of it, wiped my face, and was perfectly fine. It was a refreshing experience after having so many random crying jags at school.

Then, since tap was cancelled today, I went down to the passport office to get mine renewed, and then went to the Reference Library to get some songs and photocopy the scene Rosanna assigned to me today. Since we only have 4 guys in our class, Rosanna's having a girl play the male role in my scene, and Brie and I will choose who'll play which of the two female roles. But when I found the play, it turns out that there are two guys and one girl. I'm thinking either there's another version, or that Rosanna just got confused. Both are understandable, but until I find out what's going on I'm simply confused.


Blogger SilentLaughter said...

I don't know. Right now all the classes are really full, but after next week the 6th terms are done classes, so ours will be half as big. That'll be really nice... and maybe I'll get moved up then, since the next class up will also be significantly smaller. but then again, by then it'll be halfway through the term, and I'm not sure if they'll think it's worth it or whatever to move me up. Basically I just have to smile and wait.

10:01 p.m.  

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