Friday, May 20, 2005


Jazz class was really fun this morning, but I really want to move up. The teachers were given strict orders not to move anyone up for a couple weeks, so at the beginning of the first class I asked Natalie, my teacher, to keep an eye on me in terms of maybe moving up, and then left it alone. I'm planning on talking to her after class on Tuesday, though, cause it'll have been 7 classes and over 3 weeks. Hopefully she'll a) be able to move me up, and b) feel that I should move up, because I just don't feel challenged enough in Elementary 2. It's still really fun, but it's just too easy. I want the challenge of Intermediate. And watching the combinations the Intermediate class, I always think, "I can do that!" So I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to move up.

Shakespeare class was really interesting, because at one point Peter had us all walk around in our usual, neutral walk and pick someone to observe. We had to look at exactly how they moved, where they lead their body from, how their arms swing etc, and then he had us emulate them. Then we all stood in a circle and he had Michael come forward and do his copied walk. Then we all had to guess who it was he had watched. It was Talia; Peter had Talia walk just in front of Michael and he really did have the little peculiarities of her walk! It was really neat. Then Michael stepped back and Talia did her walk, and so on. It turned out that Scott had been copying me, but his emulation of me was so off that it took ages for us to figure out that it was me- we basically named everyone until we found the right name. He was walking really oddly, picking his knees way up and swinging his arms forward, almost like a robot. It was definitely not close to my walk at all. Oddly enough, around 3 people did Talia, and about 6 or 7 people did Justine. They both have really interesting, unique walks and it was really neat to see each person's version of their walk.

I'm really looking forward to sleeping in tommorrow...


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