Wednesday, May 18, 2005

just one of those bad mornings...

I've been having trouble sleeping lately, and lay awake in bed last night until around 3 AM. Therefore I slept in for my 8am theory class this morning and didn't have time for a shower or a proper breakfast. I basically just threw some clothes on, grabbed my school stuff, my metropass and my keys and headed out the door. I grabbed a coffee and a muffin from Tim Hortons cause it's fast and on the way to the subway station. However, when I got to the station, I realised that somewhere along the way I had dropped my metropass (which gives a month of unlimited travel on the subway, buses and streetcars and would cost me $100 to replace)! I crossed my fingers that perhaps I dropped it at home. I payed the fare of $2.50 (luckily I had change or I'd have been even more royally screwed than I am), which aggravated me further.

I spent my subway ride juggling the hot coffee cup cause I didn't think to grab an insulating sleeve or a second cup, gingerly sipping to avoid spilling hot coffee in my lap or burning my tongue or throat, and wrestling with the little tab you rip off the lid to open it, which wouldn't stay down and kept poking me in the nose.

And then in my first class, I had to hand in a photocopy of my homework, and after I handed it in I realised that I had done a good 75% of it wrong. And then I opened the paper bag to have my muffin and saw that it was the wrong kind. AAAAARGH!!

After that, though, my day got better. Theory went well, and in Women's Chorus 2 we found out that we'll be starting on two Abba songs, probably Fernando and Waterloo, next week. In Choral we continued to work on the opera song we've been working for the last couple weeks, and while Bob, the conductor, was working with the sopranos on the high solo part, I sang along even though I can't really hit those notes and laughed to myself. The opera piece is a rather well-known Italian 'drinking song' commonly heard in commercials, called La Traviata.

Scene Study was really, really good and I learned a lot and got a lot of ideas and things to work on in my monologue although I didn't go. Then Justine, Kat, Meaghan and I went on our Wednesday lunch to Swiss Chalet. We chatted about life, as usual, then went back to school for tap. Tap was fun, although I didn't learn anything I don't already know. The class I'm in is a little easy for me, but it's good for me to work on the more basic steps because I tend to get flustered at a more advanced level and even my basic steps get muddled.

Then I came home, paying another $2.50 that I shouldn't have to spend, and searched for my metropass. I can't find it, so I'm assuming it's gone for good. I calculated how much I'm going to have to spend on commuting for the rest of the month, and if I only use transit to go to and from school during the week and either walk anywhere else or just stay in, I'm going to be spending $40. That's a lot for a relatively broke student! I'm just angry at myself for not being more careful with my metropass, even though I was in a rush to leave this morning to be on time for class.

Tommorrow I have ballet class from 9:30-10:50, a vocal tutorial at 10:55, and Shakespeare class from 1-4:50.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got back from a conference that convinced me I should try this, so I'll keep you posted on how and when I get to it. Grosses bises de ta petite maman

11:12 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just a thought about sleeping--try a hot bath, with epsom salts, which will relax your muscles and help you sleep better.

11:14 a.m.  
Blogger SilentLaughter said...

It's not my muscles that keep me from sleeping, it's my mind. I can't stop thinking for long enough to fall asleep.

6:05 p.m.  
Blogger Ruth and Fred said...

But the epsom salts bath will calm your mind too, pookie. Also try warm milk with molasses and/or a banana. These contain calming goodies for your brainmeats.

Oh! And something else that I've found works like magic. Before you go to bed, write a list of stuff you have to do the next day. Seriously. Try it. It takes the stuff out of your brain and puts it where it's safely recorded, leaving your head free. Even if you don't feel particularly worried about stuff, your brain still thinks about the coming day. So make a list! Try it for a few days and you might be surprised.


12:48 p.m.  
Blogger SilentLaughter said...

Gracias, mis mujeres bonitas. (Thanks, my pretty ladies, or at least that's what I meant to say...) I seem to have beat the problem for now at least, but if it comes back I'll try the bath or the warm milk and banana. Thanks for the suggestions!

10:20 p.m.  

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