Friday, May 27, 2005

Ah, the weekend...

I had a really good jazz class this morning, although I just couldn't get the combination we learned. Something about it wasn't sticking in my body, and I just looked awkward doing it. (Awkward is an awkward word... go figure!)

Then Shakespeare was the same as it always is... fun games that make the time go by so fast, seperated by looooong, slooooooow periods of sitting chatting about things that aren't really worth $77 (which is roughly what I (read: my parents) pay per day to be at Randolph. But at least we did some work on our monologues, even if it was just reading them out once and making a few comments on what clues the punctuation gives to us as the actor.

I had a studio signed out for an hour after Shakespeare to work on my Movement Biography, which I have to perform on Monday. "Students will be asked to prepare a short (maximum 2 minutes) autobiographical movement presentation. It can reflet any aspect of yourself that you choose. It might show your movement history and/or who you are now. No music or props should be used. It should contain use of three [Laban] Effort Elements and students should be able to clearly demonstrate these Elements."
I decided to do my movement history, which is pre-kinder ballet (I was no more than 6 years old and it involved a lot of waving of coloured chiffons), gymnastics, rock climbing, and dance (breakdancing, ballet, jazz, tap, and pointe). It was actually a lot of fun to do... I really had fun making up my little gymnastics routine! I have another studio booked for an hour tommorrow to finish it up and make sure I have the required three Effort Elements (something we've been doing in class, different ways to move- ie Light/Strong Weight, Slow/Quick Time, Indirect/Direct Space and Free/Bound Flow) somewhere in my movement piece. That shouldn't take me the whole hour, so I plan on just dancing for the rest of my time in the studio. It's so much fun to have such a big space to yourself to dance in.

Oh, Rosanna couldn't make it to school for the Scene Study coachings today, so we're going to have to reschedule. And since we're all supposed to do our final passes of our monologues next Wednesday and some of us haven't even done our first passes, I'm not sure how it's going to work. Plus, she was supposed to post up our scenes so that we know our groups and which scenes we're doing from which plays. I hate it when things are up in the air like this...

Okay, bed time!!

P.S. I forgot to mention that Talia and I have chosen to do our 8 bar tap assignment to Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'. Yeah!! :D


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