Sunday, May 29, 2005

Summer hibernation?

I somehow managed to sleep in til 4 today, which means I'll have a lot of trouble going to bed tonight. I watched the last half of Stepmom and all of Pretty Woman on TBS, and Ken and I did our film homework for tommorrow- we have to film each other doing a short, roughly two minute scene where we get woken up by a phone call, then call someone else immediately after. We have to work out certain points to change from a long shot to a medium to a close-up and vice versa. That was pretty easy to do, and since Ken has an old camcorder, we got to practice filming each other a couple times to get used to when we have to zoom in and out.

Yesterday I was at school for nearly two hours, since no one wanted the studio after the hour I had it signed out for. I finished up my movement biography, making sure that I have three Effort Elements in it, then choreographed about 6 counts of 8 of tap for Talia and my tap assignment. We only agreed to do a count of 8 or two, but I had a lot of time and got into it too much to stop at just two. I figured we didn't have to use everything that I made up, anyways. We're meeting tommorrow after film to put together what we've choreographed seperately and finish it up for tap on Wednesday.

That's about it...


Blogger SilentLaughter said...

I don't really need to move up... I'm fine where I am.

8:38 p.m.  

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