Sunday, June 05, 2005

To Done

Yesterday I:
-Finished sewing my duvet cover
-Wrote my Voice and Text journal
-Finished up all 10 entries required for my Movement journal
-Did laundry, including handwashing my delicate sweaters and such
-Vacuumed my room
-Cleaned the bathroom

Then I watched Keeping the Faith while Ken and Vasil went to a concert, and when they got back the three of us started watching Boogeyman but ended up stopping it and going to bed cause Ken was asleep and Vas and I were pretty close to sleep ourselves. So far, though, Boogeyman is scary with just the little things that have happened so far, and is neatly setting up the second half of the movie to be either extremely scary or extremely disappointing in its anticlimacticity.

As for today, I met Talia at school to do our tap choreography for Wednesday's class, and after an hour of (very hot!) work, we've completely finished our choreography and, I must say, it looks awesome!! It's challenging enough to be worth doing, but once you get the hang of it it's fine. And we used all of the steps we've learned in class, which our teacher Natalie has told us means bonus points!

Then I came home and read for a bit, feeling sicker and sicker. Now I feel like I have the flu, although I'm not sure if it is that since I did get the flu shot in October/November. I'm really stuffed up and feel ill- the kind of ill feeling where you know you'd feel better after throwing up, but you just can't seem to do it. So my plans for the rest of the evening are to rest up, drink tea, maybe watch the rest of Boogeyman, and go to bed early.


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