Thursday, June 02, 2005


It was so hot in ballet class that I started to feel a little dizzy near the end. The school's an old building without air conditioning, so it gets mighty hot dancing upstairs in the summer! Otherwise, though, it was a good class.

Shakespeare was a loooong class, and we were all really lethargic and stupid today. We figure it's a combination of heat, stress, and general lack of sleep. We did some work on our monologues and the usual games and exercises.

I went and saw The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants at the theatre a few blocks away, solo (which was an experience all on it's own). It was really good, and I cried, but I've read the book and it was kind of disappointing expecting certain things to happen and having it be completely different. Like the guy who's supposed to work in a forge is instead a fisherman. Or the incident getting between two people is an ancient family feud with murky details instead of one of them accidentally (on purpose?) seeing the other naked. Besides the things they had to change to make it a good movie from a good book, though, it was really good, and I'd recommend it. They left the situation finalized but with enough open ends to have a sequel, since there's a second and third book after this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you posted a review--this is one movie I do want to see! Thanks! And too bad about the heat in the building, I expect it will only be the norm for the summer in Toronto. I wonder if anyone will ever (or has??) passed out from the heat?

11:33 p.m.  

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