Friday, June 03, 2005


I just love that feeling on Fridays right when you finish your last class (or when you get off work...) and you know you have the whole weekend ahead of you. It's the best!

Jazz this morning was cancelled because they wanted to film the Choral singing 'Come Sail Away' for the promotional video they're making for the school. We were all squished together on the stage and I'm a little sick with a sore throat, so I wasn't having the best of times.

Then after a long break with much conversation in the cafeteria, we had Shakespeare class. We did the usual ritual and games, but then we did a new game/exercise. The class sat on one side of the room, then Peter had one person sit in the middle of the room facing the class, blindfolded. Then two people quietly sat on either end of the room, with the blindfolded person in the middle of them, and made any kind of noise they wanted to make to get the person in the middle to come over to them. We had to make vocal noises- no clapping, stomping, etc- and the only noises that really drew the person towards someone were open vowel sounds, straight from the heart. (Rather than a noise from the brain, completely calculated to interest the blindfoldee. It was really interesting the kinds of noises that would come out of people...

Then we did the first passes of our monologues. Mine was okay, but I don't really own my monologue yet (to own your monologue is to really have it memorised 100%, so that it just flows out of you without you having to think. If you own it, you could say it in your sleep.) so it wasn't as strong as I would like. Peter says I need to bring it into my body more, cause I was doing the novice actor arms, where you hold them out, elbows bent, at around waist level and SHAKE them on WORDS you want to EMPHASIZE. Heehee...

Then I dropped some books off at the library, came home, ate leftover macaroni and cheese, read some of my book, and fell asleep for a few hours. Then I got up, and wrote this!

Tommorrow, I refuse to sleep in past 10:30 or laze around all day.

-Finish sewing my duvet cover cause I keep poking myself with pins when getting in and out of bed
-Write my Voice and Text journal from Tuesday's class
-Write an entry or two in my Movement journal
-Type up my song analysis for MTP
-Do laundry
-Handwash my sweater
-Maybe get the vacuum from downstairs and vacuum my room

I think that'll be plenty for tommorrow. Now let's see if I actually get it all done!


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