Friday, July 08, 2005

Obligatory Update

To stave off Mom's worried emails that because I haven't posted in a while I may have dropped off the face of the planet... :P

School's the same as usual... a lot of work, and a lot of fun. The end of term really crept up on us all. Suddenly we have two weeks until final presentations and then Ronterviews, and then break. WOAH!

Toronto's the same as it's been since oh.. May? Hot and muggy, although the last couple of days haven't been as bad as it can get around here. Mom sent me a Japanese folding fan, and I used it all day today- it definitely helped!

Tommorrow night my friend Steff from school is having a show with a bunch of her 'boys', and I'm thinking of going. It's all original music, and her cousin's hiphop dance group from Montreal is going to perform as well. It sounds like a lot of fun!

Sunday I have a rehearsal for one of my Shakespeare scenes at school from 3 to 5, and then I'm rehearsing my Scene Study scene from 6:30 until 8, or later if need be, at Brie's house. Then Scene Study again Monday 5-6 and Tuesday 5:20-7, and my other Shakespeare scene Thursday 12-1 and Friday 11-12.



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