Saturday, October 01, 2005

3 weeks to go

But who's counting...

Yesterday J.D. (the guy who's sort of in charge of this whole tv series thing) and Reuben (camera/sound guy) were set up in the Bathurst theatre doing interviews, so I offered myself as an interviewee. Before he started the interview J.D. got a phone call so he went off to answer it while Reuben finished setting everything up. I started doing this clapping thing I learned in gymnastics as a way of keeping the rhythm of a song, and Reuben asked what it was, I explained and showed him another rhythm thing I know (involving hitting your chest, snapping your fingers, and clapping, and the rhythm goes chest, snap, clap, chest chest, snap, clap, snap and repeats from there). Just then J.D. came back and asked me what I was doing, so I explained that it was just a rhythm thing I knew, and we started the interview.

J.D. asked me things like what makes me special so that an agent or a casting director would want to pick me, what being at Randolph was like, etc. Then he asked me about the rhythm thing, and whether I can find rhythms like that anywhere. I said you can find a rhythm anywhere if you look hard enough. I think I said something about the rhythm of life to... lol. Then he asked me if I could dance the rhythm I had done before. So I moved the stool I was sitting on aside, did the rhythm through a few repeats to get the beat, and improved a dance for about 10 seconds or so. It was really fun! :D

Tommorrow I have a rehearsal from 10-12 for coffee house. Jason (the guy I did a dance with in 2nd term Dance History and coffee house) recorded a song that he'll be singing at coffee house, and has asked me, Sally, and a few other girls to choreograph and dance something to it. So tommorrow we're getting together to come up with something and see what we can do.

I slept in rather late today (4pm...) so I'm expecting to end up staying up kind of late tonight. Other than that, I have no plans yet for tonight.


Blogger SilentLaughter said...

My friend Gabe is coming up for Friday/Saturday so we're doing a bunch of things... going to the ROM, Niagara Falls, FearFest (halloween haunted amusement park thing at Canada's Wonderland), maybe Casa Loma etc. then Saturday night is a celebration somewhere for me and Justine, a girl from school whose birthday is the 24th. So a bunch of school people will be there too...

7:48 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for a NEW POST!!!!!!
Love Katie

12:34 a.m.  

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