Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Holy crap, an entry!

Yes, it's been months since my last entry. No, I have no good reason why I haven't posted in a while.

So, my life right now:

I'm a college graduate with a Diploma in Performing Arts. I'm back in Vancouver, living at home with my Dad and Ruth, and currently jobless. I have a boyfriend who is currently staying here while visiting Canada, although he's going back home to Australia on September 9th. His name is Andrew, aka Whitey, and we met online. (Insert comments about net-dating here.) My brother Ian is currently in China - you can read his blog here to read about his adventures.

I dropped off resumes at, filled job applications for, and talked to the managers of, several restaurants in the area (including Earl's, Red Robin, Boston Pizza, Hurricane Grill...) yesterday, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something will come of it in the near future. The manager/owner of Hurricane Grill actually went to my highschool and is the older brother of a girl in my graduating class, and recognized me, so I'm hoping that connection might pay off with a job. He said he wasn't looking right now, but once September hit and people went back to school etc, he may need someone so he'd keep me in mind. (Most, if not all, of the managers I spoke to said something along those same lines) So keep your fingers crossed for me!

On the acting front, so far I've been incredibly lazy. On my done list: send cover letter/resume/headshot to Bard on the Beach to hopefully get an audition for next summer's shows. No word yet.

On my to-do list:
- Research agents/agencies and make a list of those I want to send my package to.
- Send my package to (or drop it off at) said agencies.
- A week later, call said agencies to make sure they've received my package.
- Check out the ACTRA site, as well as a few others I have on a list somewhere in my recently-unpacked room, and see if I can get on some mailing lists for audition notices and calls for submissions.
- Apply to become an Apprentice Member of both ACTRA and CAEA.
- Check out what kinds of classes the Vancouver Film School offers, and check out prices and dates etc.

Also on my to-do list but not related to acting: cut my hair and dye it dark brown, once I have the money to do so.

Currently I'm taking care of Ruth's mom Jean, who has alzheimer's. I call her in the morning, do something with her (go for coffee, go to the dog park at Ambleside to sit on a bench and pet the dogs, etc), then call her in the early evening. Basically I'm just there to make sure she's doing alright, and so she has someone to talk to if she gets confused about something or forgets something. So far she's doing great despite Ruth's absence, and remembers things rather well.

Along with that, I'm watering plants for the people who live in the house behind Dad and Ruth's, who are also away for a couple weeks. It's just every second day, and only takes me 10 minutes at the most, including hauling the hose out onto the street to water the California lilacs and coiling it back up again. I don't know how much I'm getting paid, but it's not much trouble and any money would be great right now (god I hope I get a job soon...).

Also (see, I am keeping busy), I'm going to be house-sitting and dog-walking for John and Valerie, a really nice couple who live just down the street from here. I'm doing three days from the 25th to the 27th, then three weeks from September 12th to October 2nd. They have two adorably sweet dogs, Tala and Lucy, and two big old cats, Abu and Dhabi. I'm really looking forward to it, as the pets are wonderful, and I get paid to play with them (plus they have TiVo... ;P). And while John and Valerie are away in September, I'll be walking the dog of their neighbour, Margie, on Tuesdays. So while I remain basically unemployed, I'm at least doing some odd jobs and getting some money.

That's about all I can think of as far as updates go... I'm going to try to keep updating regularly, but I can't promise anything judging from my previous long gaps between posts.
