Thursday, December 15, 2005

We really did just want to see a movie!

Katie and I had quite an adventure tonight, and since I'm too lazy to type it up myself, I'lljust link to her livejournal cause she wrote it up nicely.

Katie's LiveJournal entry

And nudged is definitely the right word for it, since the car just kind of gently rolled forward into me, and I got pushed to the side into poor gimpy Katie (she broke a bone in her foot). The driver swore she wasn't talking on the cell phone she was holding in one hand, and that she was turning right, even though she was in the left lane and had a red light, so should've stopped anyway. And if she wasn't on her cell phone, she must've had her eyes closed because two girls crossing on a well-lit cross walk, one of them in a santa hat and the other on crutches, are pretty hard to miss otherwise.

What a night!